Sunday, May 18, 2008

Notes from the final training run

My training schedule, as you have read, is totally whack and so why not throw one more curve: I did my last training run in New Hampshire this weekend during a rugby tournament. (No, I did not play.)

First, yes I did run 18 miles the week before the marathon. Take that, you faithful believers in tapering!

I watched rugby games all day Saturday, took a break to get in a short jog with Nadine (that turned into a "where exactly does this road go?!" 5-mile trek). Sunday morning came early and I ran 18 miles back and forth through the town of North Conway, and finished in time to catch the championship game of the weekend. I mapped out a pretty flat route by repeating a loop, though I did confuse myself with how many loops around the town I was supposed to take. I felt AWESOME for the first 10 miles, still pretty good at 13, then fatigue hit hard in the final miles. I think I didn't eat enough beforehand. Or maybe it was that I skipped 3 weeks of running last month? Huh, hard to tell.

Thank you Gwen for the good stretches you showed me - it made a difference to walk and stretch after the run, rather than sit comatose and let rigor mortis set it. I saved that for the drive home from NH.

iPod: I caught up with a radio show, The Story with Dick Gordon. Among the things I learned about while running: offices that let employees bring their babies to work; a frequent flier who actually changed jobs to avoid flying after repeated, unwarranted harassment by flight attendants and homeland security; how CEOs turn around a failing, scandal-stained company in the midst of an SEC investigation (thank you Bear Stearns!). I also listened to a This American Life gem about television: particularly enjoyable was Sarah Vowel's examination of how sit coms portray colonial life in America. Yes, Bewitched did air time-travel program on the Salem witch trials, twice. One for each Darren.

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