Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Gurgling, churning guts

It's not pleasant, but there it is: I was brought down by some kind of stomach virus early this week. Conversation with my doctor, roughly transcribed:

Dr. D: "Do you feel nauseous?"
Patti: "Yeah."
Dr. D: "Do you feel like you have a heavy stone sitting in your guts?"
Patti: "Yeah."
Dr. D: "Do you want to fall asleep on the bathmat near the toilet and not be conscious of how rotten you are feeling?"
Patti: "Yeah."
Dr. D: "Yep, that's going around. It'll pass in day or two."

Feeling much better now, thank you very much. Still a little queasy. Who was I bragging to recently that I don't ever have GI issues like most runners do? Jinx.

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