The utterances from the mouths of weather forecasters this week have been the kind that make me laugh inappropriately at grim news. "Lows reaching -25, that's before wind chill. High of -8 tomorrow."
Needless to say, there was no running outside this week, for me at least. And I dare say for anyone else. I spotted no defiant runners on the road this week, despite the hardiness and questionable mental balance I have long appreciated in Vermont athletes.
But this weekend promised a reprieve, and indeed we have been above zero for hours now. Today dawned clear, sunny and bright -- exactly the kind of day that screws with what you know that means in winter: really cold air. I'm sitting at the Block Gallery in Winooski with a warm latte and oodles of the Sunday Times still to read, deciding whether to brave the cold or head back to the treadmill for one more indoor run this week.
Forecast for Wednesday: Rainy and 48 degrees.
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