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Tuesday, December 29, 2015
Friday, November 13, 2015
Own it.
Highlight of my November occurred late this afternoon descending Cowles Mtn: old guy was picking up trail trash (love that!! What is up with trash on trails here?) and asked me, "Are you an ultrarunner?"
My internal monologue was, "I guess so, technically, I did one ultra, but it was a baby-ultra, not even 50 miles, but I'm doing one soon, and training counts for something, so..."
But aloud, my answer was: "Yep!"
Man: "I thought so! You have that look about you! Good job, trail runner!"
I love that guy.
Thursday, November 12, 2015
20 Miles, 10 Miles
The additional few days' rest while my finger healed was a boon to my knee too: last week's daily runs went well and I was able to complete 30 miles in two runs over the weekend!
On Saturday, I ran the complete loop of Trail Around Middlebury, 18 miles of woods, fields and town, then added two more miles of woods at the end. The sun was gorgeous and unusually warm for November in Vermont, but the thick carpet of leaves on the trail is unmistakably late fall. (The trail was hard to follow in some places for all the leaves!)
On Sunday, I ran closer to home through Salmon Hole, Intervale and Ethan Allen Park. The late afternoon light disappeared on the way home.
Wednesday, November 11, 2015
I've saved every race bib I've ever run in, and when I had cause to open that box the other night I was surprised to remember races I'd forgotten, and to see bibs whose provenance I couldn't place. The medals are much easier: far fewer of them, designed to be identifiable, and most are pretty to look at and have a pleasant weight when you hold them in the palm of your hand.
Also this week, I donated a pair of shoes that were with me through my single best year yet of running. I trained for and ran two marathons and a few halfs in this pair of Asics, including a PR and a lot miles thinking about Antarctica. I ran in them far past their lifespan, and started to think of them disparagingly as overused and dead toward the end. But this morning when I tossed them in the donation bin, I had to take a moment of anthropomorphized appreciation for all miles I asked of them, and all the adventures they gave me.
Wednesday, October 28, 2015
"Just a flesh wound!"
There is a quote that I find reassuring in tough times:
And there isn't a better explanation for what happened Monday night when I was making a pie for my coworkers. I used an immersion blender to puree a roasted pumpkin and, for reasons beyond my own comprehension, I stuck my finger into the blender to scoop out the last bits of pumpkin from the blade. And while my left index finger was in the blender, I accidentally triggered the start button with my right hand.
Let me start with the good news
I didn't hit the bone, and I missed the tendons too. That is exceptional luck. Also, Monday night in Vermont is great time to go to the ER: I was literally the only patient there and had the focused attention of a PA and a nurse throughout the hours I spent there. Also, I live really close to the hospital so getting there only took minutes.
The ugly part
The single spinning blade ripped up my finger with one long, deep laceration and a dozen more jagged tears. I immediately realized what I did, covered it with clean gauze (which was weirdly, helpfully nearby) and got in the car - all within about 45 seconds.
And there isn't a better explanation for what happened Monday night when I was making a pie for my coworkers. I used an immersion blender to puree a roasted pumpkin and, for reasons beyond my own comprehension, I stuck my finger into the blender to scoop out the last bits of pumpkin from the blade. And while my left index finger was in the blender, I accidentally triggered the start button with my right hand.
Let me start with the good news
I didn't hit the bone, and I missed the tendons too. That is exceptional luck. Also, Monday night in Vermont is great time to go to the ER: I was literally the only patient there and had the focused attention of a PA and a nurse throughout the hours I spent there. Also, I live really close to the hospital so getting there only took minutes.
The ugly part
The single spinning blade ripped up my finger with one long, deep laceration and a dozen more jagged tears. I immediately realized what I did, covered it with clean gauze (which was weirdly, helpfully nearby) and got in the car - all within about 45 seconds.
(Trigger warning)
The first hour or two in the ER was a long process of
assessing the damage and trying to staunch the volume of blood pulsating out of
the wound. At one point, the PA removed a massive gauze pad to show another PA
what it looked like and a huge arc of blood shot out from my finger. This was
serious Monty Python territory.
They gave me several lidocaine shots to try to numb my
finger. Ultimately, they had to drench gauze with a topical anesthetic and jam it
into the open wound to numb the finger enough to attempt repairing it.
What does any of this have to do with running?
The moment this happened, my three simultaneous thoughts
were, “I have to get to the ER,” and “Fucking pumpkin pie,” and “This better
not affect running.” At some point after
earning my credentials as a compliant patient, I took the risk of being a freak
and asked the PA and nurse if I would be able to run the next day. Then, when they
were debating how to close the wound, I suggested again that perhaps the best
method is the one that does not curtail running. (Having spent a few hours
staring at the gaping wound, I could easily imagine the smallest exertion ripping
it back open again.) And finally, when they were patiently explaining the
discharge instructions, I kept asking things like, “When you say ‘don’t get it
wet,’ does that include sweat?” And, “When you say , ‘keep it elevated above
your heart,’ does that mean I need to run as if I’m in a constant ‘We’re #1 !!’
pose?” At this point, they were less impressed with my otherwise impeccable behavior
as a patient.
I tried running on the treadmill last night while watching
Game 1 of the World Series. (Go Mets!) The
pain was throbbing and my gait with an elevated hand was awkward, leading to an unsatisfying walk-run. (Not to mention that game started very, very poorly for the Mets.)
Just when my knee is back on Team Patti,
I feel like my running is getting sidelined by a finger injury. A finger!!
After trying the treadmill, I changed the hospital dressing
for the first time, and got a good look at what I’m working with while this
sucker heals. That was also pretty demoralizing. The stitches can come out in
10-14 days, and I’m hoping the wound calms down a lot before then. Right now it’s
a red, swollen mess and I’m trying not to get too disappointed about the miles
I’m not able to run.
But I still have six weeks till race day. Six weeks is a lot
of time.
Beth's Ultra: 45 Miles at Ghost Train
Chilly but ready at the start. |
Ghost Train is an oddball race: a 7.5 section of a rail trail is run out-and-back, creating a 15-mile segment. Runners are invited to run as many laps as they want to in a 30-hour time limit. Along the way, they run through beautiful fall woods on a mostly flat trail peppered with pumpkins and "ghosts."
Before the race started, Beth was feeling under-trained and uncertain if she'd want to do more than 30 miles. But when she hit the end of the second lap, she committed herself intellectually (if not emotionally) to one more out-and-back to reach 45 miles. I was thrilled she chose to do the final lap, for her sake and for mine, because I got to run with her for 15 miles. And she did an amazing job! She kept running, not walking, and was in great spirits the whole time (or at least, she convinced me!). The sun set, the headlamps came out, and she still kept moving forward at a steady, determined pace. I was texting with her husband and friends - relaying updates to them and enthusiastic words of support to her. Despite the rural terrain in the dark of night, we felt like a whole crowd of great friends were running right along with us.
Pretty much this view, mile after mile. |
While Beth was running the first 30 miles, I was driving back and forth along the course to cheer for runners. At each stop and I wriggled into the Gingerbread Man costume that Jess loaned me (it's very hard to drive while wearing the enormous Gingy head) and tried to cheer up weary runners. The race web site said "costumes encouraged" but apparently no one else took the encouragement as literally as I did. Walking around the start it quickly became apparent that I was the only one in costume...
Three aid stations (start, midway and turn-around) were great locations for cheering, stretching, and sustenance. Especially the turn-around aid station - amazing buffet! Fruit, sandwiches, pizza, roasted potatoes, candy, chips. All of this sounds really unhealthy, but man did it taste good to people who were burning thousands of calories in a short period of time.
Awesome aid. |
Walking around the start area, I glimpsed an Antarctica Marathon tech shirt, and looked up to see that it was being worn by Boston Bill! He was ahead of Beth's pace, but I was able to keep tabs on him throughout the day. He was gunning for 100 miles, and I was thrilled for him to read in the race results that he made his goal in just over 24 hours. Vavilov!!
"Bill! It's me, Vermont Patti!" |
Snapped when Bill was heading back in to Mile 45 and we were heading out from Mile 30 |
This happy guy is Rob. "This heat lamp is the fifth thing today that is the best thing ever!" |
And for your 45-mile effort, you get this postcard of a train. |
We celebrate Beth's accomplishment with broth! And a long drive back to Vermont. |
Sunday, October 18, 2015
Injury, Rest
In the meanwhile, my week of rest was rewarded with clearance to go for a short run-walk to see how the knee feels. Jess took me to Sleepy Hollow to check out the trails and give Wilma a chance to mug for the camera.
Sunday, October 11, 2015
GMAA: Marathon #10
Thank goodness for Beth! She is also training for an ultra, which means I have a partner with which to share both training miles and psychosis.
We ran the Green Mountain Athletic Association marathon in the Lake Champlain Islands, my former stomping grounds, as a training run. We both remember hearing rumors about freaks for whom a marathon is not a goal race but rather a day in the schedule leading up to something bigger. Yes, we have become those freaks.
GMAA is a beautiful race, small and rural, and drawing the nicest people anywhere. We headed out with no time goals, just wanting to cover the distance. Along the way, we saw old friends, cheered for fellow runners, and saved several fuzzy caterpillars and one snake from being road kill.
Bummer of the day was around 23, when my right knee decided the race was over. Beth walked with me the last 3 miles, supportive of the decision not to push an injury in a race that didn't matter to either of us beyond getting in the miles. I've been just on the edge of injury for a few weeks, and 26 miles on mostly pavement might have been asking too much.
The race is an out-and-back that follows the lake shore, and we stopped for a scenic selfie in the late miles. Not too far away, a woman was standing at the end of her driveway, leaning on her walker and waving to runners. We learned that she is 101 years old, and is proud to live by herself, though her niece helps her out. She was tickled that I wanted a picture with her, and while I regret that we didn't ask her name I hope she knows that she made my day.
West Shore Road photo op. |
GMAA is a beautiful race, small and rural, and drawing the nicest people anywhere. We headed out with no time goals, just wanting to cover the distance. Along the way, we saw old friends, cheered for fellow runners, and saved several fuzzy caterpillars and one snake from being road kill.
Bummer of the day was around 23, when my right knee decided the race was over. Beth walked with me the last 3 miles, supportive of the decision not to push an injury in a race that didn't matter to either of us beyond getting in the miles. I've been just on the edge of injury for a few weeks, and 26 miles on mostly pavement might have been asking too much.
West Shore Road neighbors! |
Sunday, September 27, 2015
No Vermont 50, But Pretty Great Weekend
On Saturday, I power-hiked up one of Vermont's iconic mountains, Camel's Hump, and then ran down. There was snow (!) on one sheltered section of trail, but bright sun on the wind-blown summit.
Sunday, September 13, 2015
And on Sunday...
After a knee-grinding hike on the Long Trail on Saturday, I headed to Addison County for 15 miles on the TAM with Beth. Back-to-back long runs! Kind of painful. But Trail Around Middlebury is a fabulous trail system through fields, woods, and along the river.
Long Trail 4: Monroe Skyline
Top of the chairlifts! Sugarbush, Lincoln Peak. |
Sometime time this Emily and I made a plan to meet early in the morning on September 12 and hike gap-to-gap on the Monroe Skyline. The 12 miles from Lincoln Gap to Appalachian Gap cross the tops of five mountain peaks: Mt. Abe, Nancy Cutts Peak, Lincoln Peak, Mt. Ellen, General Stark Mtn, Along the way, we had great views east and west from the ridge of the Green Mountains, crawled through a rock cave, found a curious memorial, and chatted up thru-hikers. My legs felt shot after a day of hard, fast hiking, but it was so fun!
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A cairn marks the top of Nancy Cutts Peak. |
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We're smiling, but this section of rock scramble deep into the hike was not easy. |
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Still Life With Backpack. |
Nearing the end! |
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Exiting the Dean Cave near Theron Dean Shelter. |
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You have to hike in a few miles to reach this memorial on the ridgeline. After the hike, we looked up Merritt's story here. |
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"Finish Line" photo at App Gap. Great day! |
Monday, August 17, 2015
Long Trail 3: Mount Mansfield, holy hell
Vacation week, plenty of time to hit the trail. I wanted to do Mount Mansfield (highest peak in Vermont) and wanted to get out of Champlain Valley (90 degrees) and wanted to find out how runnable the ridgeline is Mansfield's profile (not very, turns out).
Seen from the east especially, Mansfield looks like a face, and it's peaks are named accordingly:
I started on the western side at Underhill State Park, planning to go up Halfway House Trail to the Nose, across to the Chin and down Sunset Ridge Trail. But I missed the trailhead for Halfway House, and was really close to the trailhead for Maple Ridge Trail, so I figured I would take that to the Forehead and then run the whole profile of Mansfield.
I had zero idea how challenging Maple Ridge is! There were moments of
scrambling up steep, flat rock that had me wondering whether this is
really meant to be hiked without ropes. There were also moment when I
wondered how I would get found if I fell: by hikers or by bears? Maybe
hiking alone isn't such a great idea for me... Just as I was getting
closer to the summit, I was thrilled to encounter three hikers,
retirement-age, extremely nonchalant and confident in descending the
trail I had just come up. So that's a reality check.
The ridge is somewhat runnable, but it's made difficult by a few rock scrambles and tons people -- some hikers, and many more visitors who drove up the toll road from Stowe.
The nose hosts VPR's main antenna for 107.9 FM, along with
a few TV towers. The chin is the highest point on Mansfield, poor guy
has an underbite I guess.
Seen from the east especially, Mansfield looks like a face, and it's peaks are named accordingly:
Thanks to 1happyhiker.blogspot.com for this photo. |
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Green line up, yellow across, orange line down. |
The topo map of the Frost Trail does not look fun. |
Nearing in the Forehead. |
Arrived! Five people were having a picnic, "We drove up." |
The ridge is somewhat runnable, but it's made difficult by a few rock scrambles and tons people -- some hikers, and many more visitors who drove up the toll road from Stowe.
Under the Nose. Is that you, VPR? |
From the Chin, looking south to the Nose and Forehead. |
Beautiful cairn marks a turn in the trail on the ridgeline. |
Sunset Ridge Trail, looking west on the way down. |
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