Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Rudy. ARGH!

Watching Biggest Loser. Rudy just bested my marathon PR by 14 minutes, having not really trained.

I have many thoughts about this, most of which would reflect badly on me if I posted them.

Central Park Run, Thanksgiving

Early in November I told Jess I needed a month off from training, and promised to get back on the bus in December. Stick season passed with afternoon sunsets and gray mornings, and I put very few miles on my running shoes.

Knowing that my hiatus would end soon, I packed running gear for my trip to NYC Thanksgiving weekend. My sister has the good sense to live at the edge of Central Park, and Friday after Thanksgiving I joined legions of repentant over-eaters for a run there.

The general plan was to circle the reservoir a few times, but that was actually more boring than I expected it to be. I headed into the park near the Lennon memorial, did one lap around the reservoir and started a second lap, but peeled off near the Guggenheim and headed south toward the Met, then west into the Ramble -- which is aptly named and an easy place to get disoriented. I found my way back to the West 80s, and headed down Central Park West back home. Along the way I stopped to walk, stretch, look around.

I mapped it afterward – 4.7 miles, a little over an hour. Today being December 1, I’ve got to find a new commitment to getting back into shape. Possible goal: Begin 2010 running 10 miles comfortably (or as comfortable as possible with frozen snot on my face).