As I have written about before, I am devoted to Saucony Triumph running shoes. I have purchased several pairs, from Progrid 4-6. On a few occasions, they've had ugly colors, but if you ask and look around, you can avoid the drab gray mesh with drab gray trim. I have run in the white and sparkly blue, white and light green, white and bright red, and currently white with black and pearly green. All lovely.
I also really like buying shoes at the Fleet Feet store near my work. They are smart, friendly people, they keep track of the shoes and sizes I've bought (not difficult, I suppose, when you always buy the same shoe in the same size) and they give good discounts and coupons.
But today, my allegiance was tested. I went to Fleet Feet ready to buy the shoes that will take me through the last weeks of training and through the race, and I left the store with a pair of socks as consolation.
My dear sweet Saucony: how in the name of all that is decent can a team of your designers look at a running shoe that is trimmed in silver as shiny as aluminum foil, accented with purple the color of grape Hubba Bubba and detailed with reflective black plastic and say to themselves, let's do it! No. No, no, no. This is not a running shoe. This is a bedazzled '80s nightmare.
The shoe fits right, it feels so cushy and springy. And when I ran through the parking lot I could squint enough that the shoe looked fairly normal as I glimpsed it mid-stride. But back in the store, as I adjusted the laces, I couldn't get over it. These shoes are UGLY. I can't get inspired by these aerobicized Cindi Lauper oddball colors.
I know this shoe is available in other, more humane colors - just not at Fleet Feet. (Maybe I should lend my services to the Fleet Feet buyer: "Ugly, ugly, ugly, ooh -- that's a nice one, ugly, ugly...") . So now I begin to scour the city for my shoes in other stores. Wish me luck.
I found my shoes... somewhere else. They are identical to the white-pearly-green-charcoal trimmed shoes I've been running in for most of the summer. I feel at peace with Saucony again, and I hope I can get back in the groove with Fleet Feet soon.